Lupus Alert Achievements
Disability Living Allowance for Lupus patient. This financial assistance has been particularly beneficial for the women patients forming the majority of Lupus sufferers, especially in cases where a husband prefers to leave the house than cope with a permanently sick wife.
On the initiative of Lupus Alert, Professor David A. Isenberg from the University College London came to Mauritius to review a significant number of patients and most importantly provided the government and physicians with an update on treatment and research
Lupus Alert initiated genetic studies into the cause of SLE in the Mauritian population in collaboration with Dr Damini Jawaheer, geneticist and Professor Timothy Vyse from UK.
Lupus Patient Health Booklet provided by Lupus Alert to patients to promote better follow-up by both patients and treating doctors.
Lupus Alert initiated the first Laughter therapy sessions in Mauritius
Faces of Lupus Programme: Organised in collaboration of the Lupus Foundation of America. This special public relations program had for objective to present the reality of lupus as it affects patients and their relatives, partners and friends during the 8th International SLE Congress which was held in Shanghai. Lupus Alert present the “face of people with lupus from Mauritius” to researchers, healthcare providers, Chinese lupus patients and their families and friends, the media, and all others involved during the congress.
Argentine Tango classes for Lupus patients – While dancing is generally a popular form of exercise, it is now medically proven that dancing, especially the Argentine tango helps in the improvement of mobility and joint pain, as well as positive changes in depression, anxiety, fatigue and tension. Argentine Tango is a safe form of exercise for lupus patients and extremely helpful for encouraging and improving functional capacity of patients.
Launching of the REACH (Research, Education, Awareness, Commitment, Healthcare) project, funded by the Decentralised Corporation Programme (DCP) to improve the Quality of Life of Lupus patients. The Quality of Life Programme has been established to assist those patients who have needs not covered by community resources of assistance. This is an ongoing project and Lupus Alert has worked on various projects funded through the Corporate Social Responsibility and other Private Companies.
First group of patients to undergo the Bone Densitometry Test. Since 2011, more than 300 lupus patients coming from the most vulnerable group of the society have already done the ostodensitometry spine fumor test in a private clinic. The DXA (dual-energy X-ray absoptiometry) machine that measures bone density of the spine, hip or total body is not available in government hospitals.
Flower Arrangement Course for SLE patients. Most women suffering from lupus have difficulties to obtain a job. This flower arranging class was for personal enrichment. Using fresh flowers, trainees explored the basic concepts of flower arrangement while developing personal flair and creativity. Trainees learned how to create sophisticated floral pieces for any special occasion such as birthdays, weddings, conference…etc and to create a little business and earn some money to help their family.
Argentine Tango classes for Lupus patients – While dancing is generally a popular form of exercise, it is now medically proven that dancing, especially the Argentine tango helps in the improvement of mobility and joint pain, as well as positive changes in depression, anxiety, fatigue and tension. Argentine Tango is a safe form of exercise for lupus patients and extremely helpful for encouraging and improving functional capacity of patients.
Lupus Alert was officially registered as a member of the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO). IAPO is an international NGO working to get patients’ voices heard by everyone involved in healthcare.
Lupus Alert joined the World Lupus Federation (WLF). The WLF serves to support the shared mission of lupus groups worldwide and, to the extent possible, build their capacity so mutual goal of improving the quality of life for all people affected by lupus can be achieved successfully.
Bollywood Fitness Classes for Lupus patients – Exercise can be a great tool for dealing with Lupus symptoms. The classes have helped increase coordination, balance and cardiovascular levels. Dancing also can help keep people interested in exercise. Patients who have participated in the classes found improvement in mobility and joint pain, as well as positive changes in depression, anxiety, fatigue and tension
Visit of Professor Slyviane Muller, research director of CNRS Laboratory of Therapeutic Immunology and Chemistry at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology in Strasbourg. She was awarded her PhD from Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, following which she spent two years as post-doctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institute in Freiburg. Her research interests focus on molecular and cellular events involved in autoimmunity, especially in the lupus disease. She discovered the P140/Lupuzor peptide that is currently evaluated in a phase III clinical trial for lupus.
Dalilah Kalla on behalf of Lupus Alert was selected to present as a Patient Perspectives Poster Presentation for the 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA. These posters allowed people affected by rheumatic disease to share their journeys and experiences living with rheumatic diseases with the thousands of rheumatology healthcare providers attending the Annual Meeting.
Dalilah Kalla has been selected to present a poster on the journey of the association since its creation and its impact on patients in Mauritius at the Global Patients Congress of the International Alliance of Patients’ Organisations in Edinburgh.